Tuesday, July 20, 2010

What happened to men....and why can't they take rejection anymore????

Ok...so this weekend I went out for a brief study break and a good beer (I prefer Guiness in case you wonder what you should send me for Christmas this year - since that is all I am going to ask Santa for...oh yeah, and a quick and painless semester). As I am hanging out alone...this twenty something approaches me and asks if I want to talk - um ok -but I smile to myself thinking it was going to be an interesting and possibly amusing chat, and - well - he didnt let me down. So in a very sweet (or at least at first) but rather unsuccessful attempt to persuade me to live it up with him and that I should take him home to have some fun - you know...because he was only visiting for the weekend and that apparently warrants that I should show him a good time, Colorado style...whatever the hell that is ( I am sure that we were in different chapters on this subject). Either way, the "you better take advantage now since you only have one chance with me" thing...have I heard this somewhere before, I do live in a military town? 9 point deduction for lack of originality.

So there we are, my friend who happens to be the bartender is snickering at this gentleman's approach at trying to swoon me...then Twenty-Something says, "how old are you...like 25?" (13 point gain in TS's favor - one point for each year he guessed under actual age...). Moving on...so now my one, much needed beer is gone, will TS score additional points for purchasing JeepGal a much earned second round (that is what men used to do in the old days...) NOPE-3 point deduction for being a cheapster...this would normally be a higher point deduction, however, I am in good spirits as I have recently lost 2.25 inches from my waistline, and received agewise compliment, (I really dont want an additional beer as my current study schedule dictates my entire social life). It is rather bleak. :o(

I have to shut TS down and he doesn't take it very well, he even goes so far as to complain that there is something wrong with me since I apparently didn't know what I was missing or rather, going to miss...you know, I was missing out on the cheap guy who makes 7 grand a month riding BMX (supposedly)...did he really say BMX...hello folks, grade school is now back in session! Not to mention, TS is obviously a whiny little 26 something that can't take no for an answer. I might be able to get past the fact that he still rides a BMX, but not the whining...yes pal, I am most certainly missing out - quick someone stop me before I make the BIGGEST mistake of my life by letting this gem slip away! LOL

Either way, it made me think...what happened to the days when I guy just bought you a beer because you looked like you could use one, and he didnt expect any "favors" for his $3 dollar investment? And why for heaven's sake do modern men think that a $3investment is going to win your heart or at the very least some time between the sheets? What happened to the days when you could tell someone that you weren't intereseted and they took it like a man...like the Marlboro man, with enough coolness to make you rethink, however briefly, that maybe you were missing out just before you shook your head in a resonding "no!" I think the world has gone soft, and somewhere along the lines we have accepted it, maybe even cultivated it through our own excessively tolerant behavior, so busy trying not to offend anybody that we have compromised ourselves to such an extent that we really no longer feel comfortable to just say NO for fear of hurting someone's feelings.

But, there are just some things that should be kept the same and being able to go out and not have to deal with little boys should be one of them...so I am making a stand...and men out there...well...I say man up. You want a good woman, well then dammit, you have to put in a little more effort. Here's something...try being honest for once, B.S. doesnt cut it anymore, today's women can sniff out crap like you took a bath in it, we are like a trained human lie detectors...OH YEAH...now that I mention CIA, try being honest not only about who you are, but about what you do, we are not going to call every number in the book of construction companies to try to find you after a one night stand if that is what you told us you did for a living...well...at least most of us aren't, but in my own experience, I have been told by more than one man that he is in the CIA, FBI or some other secret undercover agency (by telling us doesnt that breach some sort of employee/employer contract), not to mention, how many secret agent men are there? The last guy told me he worked for the FBI testing the water and running chemical something or others to ensure that we were drinking safe water...only to find out that he was more or less a plumber on a larger scale, or how about my friend's little man that kept telling her that he was a fashion designer, only to find out that he worked in a manufacturing plant sewing fireman's gear! Firemen's fashion...I don't think so.

Please understand that although we relish the thought of our man being some sort of lucrative CEO or fighter pilot for the Navy (those guys look great in white), we are pragmatic creatures with nothing but reality floating around our little minds and so we know that the general population of men are not astronauts, doctors or fashion designers, and we don't really expect them to be...REALLY...so be honest about yourselves, and your intentions, and you may end up being more than pleasantly surprised at how much more captivated we are by your honesty then your dishonesty. I am not a bitter or pessimistic gal, just telling the truth and although I prefer the single life for myself, I have to stand up for the gals around me that do want to be with decent guys, so I am just giving you some helpful tips on how to get there without making it a life changing event...

Monday, July 19, 2010

Ok...so I dont have much time to spend today as I have lots of homework...but...I do have lots to share that will hopefully make you laugh, so keep checking and soon I will fill in what I have been up to lately and some of the experiences that I have had that have made my life great!